Sunday, June 26, 2011

KC Weekend Getaway

This weekend we headed down to Kansas City for a little family vacation. Friday after lunch we loaded everyone up and hit the highway. We borrowed my parents Garmin to help us get around and Jeremy decided to head to KC through Chariton, even though the Garmin wanted him to go to the highway. Every time you don't take the route it suggests it has to recalculate. Hayden told us we needed to stop making the Garmin mad and follow it's directions - too cute.

Eventually the Garmin figured out the way we were headed and everything worked out great. The kids all napped - not as long as I had hoped but it was still quite for a little while. We made it to our hotel after just one brief stop - more for Jeremy than the kids. We checked in and let the kids play in our room a little while Jeremy ran over to a nearby McDonalds for some supper. Everyone ate the food and then we all got changed into our Cubs gear to head over to Kauffman Stadium for the game. The boys were very excited to see their first MLB game. We arrived a little early so we could explore the stadium since we had never been there before. It is a beautiful stadium! They allowed us to bring in a stroller for Aubrey and a backpack with snacks!! We found our seats shortly before the first pitch and settled in for the game. Unfortunately Aubrey wasn't really in the mood to sit still so we passed her back and forth for a little while and then took turns walking around with her. Hayden made friends with the couple sitting next to him and they were from Des Moines! The family behind us also had Iowa ties - specifically the Pella/Lynnville Sully area! What a small world it is!! We really enjoyed the game and the weather was beautiful! Daddy was especially happy since he finally got to see a Cubs victory!! Now Hayden says they are his lucky charms and we have to bring them to all the games we go to!

That night we got back to the hotel late and hoped the kids would go right to sleep. We stayed at a hotel in Des Moines last summer for one night when Aubrey was around 3 1/2 months old and it did not go well at all. Almost the entire night she either cried, nursed or napped for very short amounts of time. We were hoping the since she is now almost a year older than that that maybe she would do better this time. Unfortunately for us she still doesn't like to sleep away from home. She was in the portacrib crying off and on till about 1:30 AM when she finally gave up and wore herself out.

The next morning we got up and went down to the hotel breakfast for a bite to eat. Then we headed over to the Legends outlet mall. The boys enjoyed the ride over since it is right next to the Kansas Speedway. I believe they all napped briefly again too. It was fun to do some shopping and eat lunch at the T Rex Cafe. It was a very fun restaurant. The boys enjoyed making some new dino friends too. After we checked out all the store and played in the fountains a little we headed back to the hotel for some swimming. Little did we know that the pool was freezing cold so we didn't last as long as we hoped down there. We headed out for some dinner and then back "home" for baths. This night we tried putting Aubrey down earlier with some milk and Elmo playing on the laptop. About halfway through the second playing of the DVD she finally gave in and went to sleep. It took the boys much longer than normal to fall asleep too. I guess this either means we need to sleep away from home more or not at all! Not sure which yet!

Sunday morning we got up, eat some breakfast, and packed up to head back to Iowa. I am very grateful that Jeremy doesn't mind driving and the kids do pretty well in the car. We made it home around 3 PM and did a little unpacking before taking Aubrey to my parents house and then heading to the movie theatre with the boys to see CARS 2. It was a really cute movie and a great way to end our fun weekend together. Now everyone is sleeping and tomorrow is back to reality. That means work for Jeremy and lot of laundry for me! And some school work too. All in all we had a great time and I think we discovered a new tradition of following the Cubs to different stadiums around this area. Hayden is already asking when he gets to go to Wrigley Field for a game!!

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