Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July

The 4th of July has to be one of my favorite holidays - mostly because my birthday is two days later! ;-) We had a very busy weekend and I can only see things getting busier as the boys get older. Generally we would head up to the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Thursday for the start of the Good Guys car show. This year it was so hot so we decided to just go shopping instead. My mom, myself and the three kids headed up to DSM to go to the mall, Costco, Sams and a few other places. It was so hot! The temp was up to 101 in DSM!! We shuffled the kiddos around and got most of our shopping done before heading back to Pella - all three kids fell asleep on the car ride. Jeremy had been out moving in Tracy and at our house so we were all hot and tired. I made some breakfast for supper and we all enjoyed the air conditioning and a little TV.

Friday morning my parents headed up to the car show and we had lots to do here at home. Hayden had a birthday party in the morning and his last t-ball game that night. It was a really hot day again so we headed to the pool for a few hours that afternoon. Hayden had a great ball season and enjoyed having Jeremy help out as the assistant coach. Nile is very excited to play next year and we are excited to see Hayden move up to rookies.

Saturday morning Jeremy had to work for a few hours so the kids and I tried to get everything ready to head up to the car show before he came home. Unfortunately we slept a little too late and were busy running around and packing. The morning didn't start out to great since Nile wet his bed - which he never does - and then Hayden woke up wet too! Then I had Aubrey in the bath and the phone rang to I pulled her out and dried her off. She was playing in her room a little while I was on the phone and the next thing I knew she was squatting on the floor pooping! At the same time Nile was playing downstairs and had to go potty - while he was standing and going he decided he needed to sit but it was too late! After 4 accidents I considered not leaving the house at all!! We finally got everyone cleaned up and the car loaded and headed over to pick up my cousins son to take him with us up to the car show. The weather Saturday was beautiful and we enjoyed our time at the car show. The fireworks Saturday night were awesome - sleeping in a fold down camper with 7 people was not so awesome.

Sunday after breakfast at McDonald's we headed back to the show to get a free model and look around a little more. About lunch time Jeremy, Aubrey and I headed back to Pella and the boys stayed at the car show with my parents. Jeremy headed to Kville after a quick sandwich to watch some friends play in the sole survivor golf competition, Aubrey napped after some lunch and I worked on unpacking, cleaning up the house and homework. The boys came home a few hours later and I discovered my dryer was no longer working!! My dad and Jeremy looked at the dryer but couldn't see anything wrong with the electrical board. So now we are looking at a new washer and dryer set. The ones we have are around 8 1/2 year old and they were the cheapest I could buy so they have worked pretty well for me. We are looking at buying new Pella windows for the house and also new flooring and paint in the kitchen. I guess if we are spending money we just as well get it all at once huh!?

Monday we enjoyed the parade and lunch in Bussey and Hayden finally lost his first top tooth that he had been wiggling all weekend. We headed back to Pella to wait for the parade here in the afternoon. We enjoyed the parade and then headed home for Aubrey to take a nap. That night we had my parents and Jeremy's parents over for supper. We had lots of fun grilling out, attempting to make homemade ice cream, playing baseball & cards and then we all headed over to the high school to watch the fireworks.

This week we don't have too much planed other then our car show in town this weekend and my birthday tomorrow. I am working to get my summer class finished up hopefully next week and then have a month off till fall classes start. Hopefully we can spend lot of time at the pool and just enjoy the time together before school starts for everyone this August!

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