Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Schools out for summer!!

Well I did it!! I completed my first online class at Iowa by taking my last test last week. I am feeling very proud of myself for this accomplishment and thankful that I was able to buckle down and read/study when needed. I was very nervous to start out this class since I had never taken an online class, it had been several years & kids since I took any college class, and this was an upper level psych class at it has been almost 10 years since my last psych class. But the Lord helped me pull through and I really enjoyed it!! Now I am off until Aug. 22. Coincidentally that is when Hayden will start first grade!! Big day for all of us I guess. I will be taking three classes this fall since the summer one went so well and I have much longer to get my work done in the fall and spring semesters as compared to the summer one. I am taking Elementary Latin I - to start fulfilling my 4 semesters of a foreign language requirement, Classic Mythology, and Into to Islamic Civilizations. These classes will all help me complete core requirements. I just got my books in the mail this week - it is crazy that I paid a little less for books for three classes than I did for my one book for my first class! Hopefully things will go well and I can continue to take three classes in the spring/fall and one in the summer to complete my degree sometime around 2014.

I may be starting to watch a few kids just a few days a weeks too so we will just have to see how all that shakes out. It is in God's hands and I know that he is more than capable!! Just waiting for his answers in his time right now.

Hard to believe that we me back in class and Hayden going to first grade and Nile in preschool two afternoons a week how much our lives have changed over the last year!! God is truly an awesome god and we thank him daily for all of our many blessings!!

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