Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hayden's exciting day

Well yesterday was a big day for Hayden. It good ways and bad. In the afternoon while he was munching on a snack and watching a little TV his very wiggly front tooth came out! Yay! I am not a fan of the whole loosing teeth process and I can still remember hating it as a kid so I am not real "hands on" in this process. Luckily it doesn't seem to bother Hayden too much. This front tooth has been really loose ever since the first front tooth came out on the 4th of July so I am glad to see it go. He looks like a little vampire to me now missing both his top teeth - I need to take a picture and after I do I will get it put on here.

Then later in the afternoon when we were all getting ready to head to the pool since it was scorching outside I was taking care of Aubrey and Hayden tried to dive into Nile's bed. If you don't already know the boys have bunk beds and Nile sleeps on the bottom bunk. Hayden misjudged his heigth and ended up smacking his head on the bottom of the top bunk. It was a really loud bang and he started crying and holding his head right away. I took a look and saw blood and started to freak out - which I know you shouldnt do as the parent but I dont handle blood very well. Then Hayden started to freak out and I was yelling for Jeremy. Thank God that Jeremy was home or this whole incident could have been traumatic for us all!! Jeremy put Hayden in the shower to see how bad the cut was while I quickly changed back into my clothes to take him to the doctor if necessary. Once we all settled down Hayden seemed OK. The cut was mostly a small puncture with a scratch and he wasnt complaining of a headache of dizziness but we decided it would be best to take him in to make sure he didnt need stitches or anything like that.

I drove him over to Convenient Care at the hospital and we got checked in quickly and then waiting to see the doctor. While we were waiting I was asking how he was feeling and he said he was fine. We looked through a few magazines together and then the doctor came it and took a quick look and said it looked like it would be fine on its own. Now swimming for at least 24 hours and he could shower and wash his hair normally. So we headed back home to tell everyone else the news. After supper Hayden showered with Jeremy helping in case he needed anything and his puncture wound was still oozing a little some hopefully that will be done this morning and he will start to scab so we can be back at the pool after Jeremy gets off work this afternoon.

I have been very lucky with all three of my kids being healthy and very few emergency visits so far. We hadn't been to the doctor for months and we had Aubrey's 15 month check up yesterday morning and then Hayden to Convenient Care in the afternoon. I am sure the insurance will look at that twice! Thankfully we are all OK and I think I was as traumatized as Hayden was!! Praise God for a happy ending!!

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