Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Home remodeling - ideas anyways

So we had our cute little house for sale for about a year and a half and decided to take it off the market shortly after I started staying home. At that time I considered the main floor pretty much done. I guess when you spend as many hours looking at the same rooms as I do you find things to change!!

We are currently in the process of ordering new Pella windows for the whole house. This is something we considered several years ago and decided against. At the time we just replaced the entry doors and storm doors with some from Menards and called it good. Now we are starting with the three kitchen windows and will slowly work our way around the house this summer/fall. The last window will be our large living room window. It is currently one giant fixed window and we are going to change it to a composite unit that will have a double hung window on each side of a fixed unit. This will give us the ability to let some fresh air into the living room in the spring and fall so we are very excited about this process.

We are also working on some updates to the kitchen. On fathers day we went to Jeremy's cousins house for lunch and she had recently painted her kitchen counters with a kit from online. They looked amazing so I decided this would be a good option for us too. Over four days you paint different colors on your counters and in the end they look like granite!! But first will come the painting of the walls - this doesnt sound like much but when we redid the kitchen after we first moved in six years ago I didnt get the wallpaper glue washed off very well so our paint never stuck the greatest and looks kind of crappy in some places. Trying to figure out now what to do to make sure they look nicer this time around. Hopefully we can get that decided soon so we can paint at soon at the new windows are put in. We are also getting new flooring in the kitchen. We used the peel and stick floor squares the first time and they have not worn well for us at all. Now we are looking at a one piece laminate flooring with a wood design. We got our bathroom flooring from Boats and have loved it! It never looks dirty and had worn wonderfully. The kitchen will be the same type of thing with just a different style/design. After these things are all done we are just going to look at some new cabinet handles and should be done with the kitchen!! I am very excited for that day already!!

Another "idea" I have right now is some landscaping around the front and side of the house. We already have some nice bushes on the alley side that just need a little work and some landscaping trim and mulch and they should be good to go. That just leaves us with the front of the house since you cant really see much of the other side with the neighbor's house and the backyard has the privacy fence.

At some point if we plan to stay in the house long term we will have to make a bedroom in the basement for either Hayden or both the boys to share. This will mean added an egress window which will most likely be the biggest project - at least I hope! We would also do a little work in the bathroom downstairs to make it more "kid" friendly.

Lots of ideas running around my head these days - just wish the money and work came as easily as the ideas do!!

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