Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Yesterday we decided to use our Adventureland tickets from work. We were hoping that it would be less busy on a week day. We headed down to the water park area right away since it has a tendency to fill up in the afternoon. Nile enjoyed the area you could climb through and go on some smaller slides and Jeremy and Hayden checked out the bigger slides. The four of us went up to a tube slide but Nile chickened out and Jeremy had to walk back down with him.

After the water park we rode the outlaw a few times and saw mill splash and then headed out to the car for a picnic lunch. The boys and I took some motion sickness meds and headed back into the park to rides lots of rides. Hayden and I tackled the gallion but I don't think the medicine had fully kicked in because it took a little while for my tummy to clam down after that! Then we decided to ride the sky glider and the raging river. The lines so far had been really short but the raging river was terrible - I bet we were in line easily over 30 mins. At least they had a fan in the line area! The rest of the afternoon we all had a chance to ride the rides we wanted to and then we headed out around 5 PM or so for some supper at Burger King.

Next we ran through Targetto get school supplies for both of the boys. I can hardly believe they will both be "in school" this fall. Nile we only go two afternoons a week but it will be good for him to socialize with some other kids his age. After we checked almost everything off their lists we headed back to Pella. The boys were asleep in the car after just a few minutes and we all enjoyed the air conditioned ride home. We also had the annual Van Wyk reunion at West Market park when we got home so we headed over there to meet my parents and Aubrey for coffee time.

All in all it was a fun, hot day and the boys behaved unbelievably well so it was a fun day of memories for all. God Bless!!

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