Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Aubrey update

Well it is hard to believe but our beautiful baby girl is 15 months old already!! Man the times flies even faster with the third one. She had her well child check up yesterday morning and to say she was not cooperative would be an understatement! She has been developing quite the little personality lately. If she doesnt want to do something she is fight you on it. We have already seen stomping feet and screaming on more than one occasion! But we did make it through the check up and didnt get shots since we need to go somewhere else to get those so at least we didnt have to deal with that - yet. She started out a 7# 11.6 oz and 21" long. Now she is 24# 8 oz and 32" long! She is at 80% for weight and 90% for height- I think all of the kids are going to be tall like me if their stats mean much in the long run!

Aubrey has been walking quite well since her first birthday and now she runs after her brother often and like to walk outside when we will let her. She say "mama" and "mom" A LOT! And every male is our house is "dada". She has been waving bye bye for a while and looks absolutely adorable doing it. Now she is learning to blow kisses - she has the kiss down just forgets to blow it now but that is ok, it is still super cute!! She claps her hands a lot and loves to dance to any music she hears. She is also a very girly girl. She loves her purse, her babies, shoes and being the center of our attention most of the time. She also loves her big brother - unless Nile is trying to carry her around and she doesnt want to be carried. I guess that is part of being the youngest with two big brother around.

I am so grateful that I have been able to be a stay at home mom with my kids for the last 7 months. It is such a joy to be home with them and see them learn new things every day. There have certainly been days where I probably yelled too much or the boys watched too much TV but I try my best to keep things in line. In a little over a month Hayden will be back to school full time and Nile will start preschool so we will have to readjust at that time. We are having lots of fun going to the pool a lot and the library and staying cool at home.

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