Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mini vaca

This past weekend we used a groupon I had purchased for the Ramada in DSM.  We had stayed at this hotel once before when Aubrey was really little and I have to admit that the water park area here is my favorite of the ones we have stayed at in this area.  The kids were very excited to be going back again and Nile asked "How many more days till the hotel?" for a week before we went. 
The top picture is all three kiddos ready to go swimming.
Next Hayden going down one of the smaller slides on the pirate ship.
Third is Jeremy and Nile getting ready to go down the big slides for the first time.
Fourth is Jeremy and Aubrey at the bottom of the big slides.
Last is the three kiddos again hanging out in the hotel room.

After we checked out the next morning we did a little back to school shopping.  New shoes for Hayden and Aubrey, a few new clothes for the boys, and school supplies too!  I worked last night and again this morning labeling all their supplies and packing them into their backpacks.  Hard to believe they will be back at school in less than 3 weeks!  Seems like we have lots to do between then and now to enjoy the end of their summer break. 

I will be finishing my second summer class early next week so I am looking forward to a little extra time between the end of that class and the start of my fall classes two weeks later.

Domestic bliss

So lately I have been going on some "domestic" kicks and trying to make a lot of things we buy regularly at home instead.  I am sure all of you love pintrest as much as I do.  So far I have made the powdered laundry soap, liquid fabric softener, dishwasher detergent, and my newest addition is homemade yogurt in the crock pot.  My kids - and hubby - all love yogurt so I thought I would give this a try and see how we liked it.  I made it last Thursday and it is just about gone so i guess that means success!  Especially since we were gone a lot last weekend.  It was super easy and cheap!  I have heard some people talk about having to buy a started kit for the yogurt but the recipe that I had just called for a small container of plain vanilla yogurt for the starter so this was easy and only $.40.  I am hoping to find some ideas for adding more flavoring to the yogurt since that is what my hubby likes and the kids enjoy it too.  I would also like to make some good homemade granola to throw in too for a little crunch.
I have a blog with several restaurant and well known brands recipes pinned as well and cant wait to try some of them here soon too.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ice Cream Cones

Well it has been so hot for pretty much the whole month of July that we have been enjoying popsicle and ice cream regularly.  We picked up an assorted box of ice cream cones at Costco and the kids have really be enjoying them!  Here are a few pics of the kids with ice cream cones.
 Aubrey with a pink cone - of course!
 Nile taking a good lick!
 Hayden enjoying a chocolate dipped cone
All three monkeys having some dessert on a HOT summer night

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer happenings

Well it has been a long hot summer so far and the grass looks and feels like straw.  We have had fun trying to stay cool though.  We generally try to make it to the aquatic center here in town about two times a week.  It was super hot at both the car shows we have gone too but luckily we have a little mister water bottle to cool down and generally could find some shade.  We typically try to play outside a little in the mornings if it is cool enough and then hang out inside the rest of the day. 
I feel bad for poor Jeremy working in the factory in this horrible heat.  He is a trooper that is for sure! 
In a few weeks we will be going to my cousin's wedding up in Cedar Rapids and heading up there early to meet some old friends from tailgating for lunch.  Hopefully the kids are well behaved. ;-) Then after church that following Sunday we are heading up to the Ramada in DSM to stay the night and enjoy the indoor water park - thank you Groupon! 
It is hard to believe that in just over a month I will have two kids in school full time!  Nile is so excited to start he can hardly stand it!  Hayden is happy to be moving to a school that has AC! 
My summer classes have been going well.  I finished up my Abnormal Psych class at Iowa last week - two weeks ahead of schedule!  Just waiting for the grade on my final exam and overall grade for the course.  Lots of reading and it was all very interesting.  Hopefully I manage to retain some of it long term!  My Human Bio class and lab through NICC has about 3 weeks left and it is and instructor paced course so we cant really work ahead.  It has been an interesting course but I am looking forward to it being done and moving on to my fall classes after a two week break!  This fall I am taking Parent - Child Relationships and Counseling for Related Professions both at Iowa.  I already have all the required books and am just waiting for the syllabus for each.  It is crazy to think that I have been taking classes for 4 semesters already!  Everyone is always asking when I will be done and I really don't have an answer for that.  It just depends on how many classes I take at a time and I still have to take my foreign language requirements.  Right now I am just taking my time and trying not to overwhelm myself.  There are time that I think it would be so nice to not be taking classes and being about to spend that time and money with my kids and housework but I know this is the best thing for me in the long run and it has been enjoyable for the most part as well.
I have also started reading a book this week that a friend gave me for my birthday.  It is called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I am halfway through and would strongly recommend it for anyone! 


Saturday, July 7, 2012

HOT summer car shows

 Hot Rod Buddy and the boys working on their models at Good Guys
 Aubrey snoozing in the shade at Good Guys
 Daddy and Aubrey taking a nap in the heat at Good Guys
 My babies at our car show on my birthday
My babies at the car show downtown - gotta love the big wooden shoes!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Early birthday present

This Friday I will be 30 - YIKES.  I know it is just another day and another year but my 20s have been a huge turning point in my life and so much has happend so I am sad to see them go.  But I was happy to find something I have been considering purchasing today at Sams on a shopping trip with my mom.  After a quick call to Jeremy to make sure it was ok I got a little something for my upcoming birthday.  I dont plan to just use it for "adult" drinks.  I am looking forward to making homemade snow cones with the kids and we could have used them this weekend at the very hot Good Guys car show in DSM.  More on that in another post. :)