Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mini vaca

This past weekend we used a groupon I had purchased for the Ramada in DSM.  We had stayed at this hotel once before when Aubrey was really little and I have to admit that the water park area here is my favorite of the ones we have stayed at in this area.  The kids were very excited to be going back again and Nile asked "How many more days till the hotel?" for a week before we went. 
The top picture is all three kiddos ready to go swimming.
Next Hayden going down one of the smaller slides on the pirate ship.
Third is Jeremy and Nile getting ready to go down the big slides for the first time.
Fourth is Jeremy and Aubrey at the bottom of the big slides.
Last is the three kiddos again hanging out in the hotel room.

After we checked out the next morning we did a little back to school shopping.  New shoes for Hayden and Aubrey, a few new clothes for the boys, and school supplies too!  I worked last night and again this morning labeling all their supplies and packing them into their backpacks.  Hard to believe they will be back at school in less than 3 weeks!  Seems like we have lots to do between then and now to enjoy the end of their summer break. 

I will be finishing my second summer class early next week so I am looking forward to a little extra time between the end of that class and the start of my fall classes two weeks later.

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