Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homemade pizza

So I have been working from my monthly calendar meal planning and last night was homemade pizza.  I decided after looking at some blogs and pintrest that I would make homemade dough and sauce.  I usually just buy a can of sauce and some of the dough mixes.  These items arent expensive so we are saving a lot but it was nice to try and make it myself and see how the family liked it.  I got a kitcheaid mixer off of craigslist a few weeks ago and LOVE it! 
I was a little nervous to work with yeast since I havent used it since I was in high school but it worked just like it is supposed to and turned out great.  That sauce was a really easy recipe that I thought was a little sweet so next time I will use less sugar in it.  Overall the pizzas  turned out great and we have just enough left for lunch today!  Gotta love that!! 
Anyways - back to the monthly meal planning.  I have been failing on the going to the store less side of the plan but having the meals already picked out and ingredients in the house has been amazing!!  It is so nice to just look at the calendar and know what we are having for dinner.  We have had a few times where we went out or something came up so I have just skipped a few dinners and moved a few around.  If we dont make if I just highlight it on the calendar to know it is still an option for another night.  Tonight we are having scalloped potatoes and ham.  I already have the ham diced and pulled it from the freezer last night so now I just have to peel and slice potatoes and make the white sauce and throw it all in the crockpot!  With the adjustment of the big boys going back to school and me babysitting Mondays and Tuesdays it is so nice to know what we are having in advance. 

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