Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Last day at the pool

 Hayden and Aubrey going down the family slide - this is progress because for most of the summer she would only go down with mom or dad.
 The kids splashing around in the three fountains.  Aubrey loved playing in these and sitting on them!
 Messy oreo cookie face after enjoying some snacks at the 3 PM pool check.
Apparently it was a little cool in the water today and also sunny when I was trying to take this picture!

Today was the last day we will be going to the pool for this summer.  It is sad because we had a lot of fun there during this hot summer and I got a decent tan!  We typically would walk over to the pool shortly after it opened at lunch and then swim till the 3 PM pool check, have snack, and then walk back home for Aubrey to take a nap.  We had a really nice routine and I am looking forward to doing it again next summer!  We did go in the evening some nights too and Jeremy would come along too.  The boys will be back to school next week and Aubrey and I will be babysitting on Mondays and Tuesdays and I am sure we will find something to fill our time the rest of the week.  I am taking two classes this fall at Iowa.  I already have my books for both and the syllabus for my Parent - Child Relationships class so I have actually started working on the class - I know I'm a glutton for punishment!  My other class is Counseling for Related Professions.  I am looking forward to both these classes and hope I am able to balance my school load with home and family well.  I can hardly believe this will be my 5th semester taking classes at Iowa!  I am really enjoying it though. 

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