Monday, April 22, 2013

Aubrey is 3!

Well I officially no longer have any babies in the house.  Aubrey turned 3 on the 14th and we have been diaper free, with the exception of a pull up at night, for 3 1/2 months.  At Aubrey's birthday party I was reflecting on how much she has changed in the past year.  Last year when she turned 2 you was barely talking and now she talks non-stop!  She is now potty trained completely during the day.  She certainly has her little personality and lets us know what she wants ALL THE TIME!  She does not let her brothers push her around at all and prefers to tell them what to do regularly!  There is no lack for conversation or noise at our house but I am treasuring this time while Jeremy and I are the greatest people in their small worlds and know that all too soon the house will be quiet.  I have really enjoyed be able to stay home with Aubrey for the majority of her lifetime.  I did go back to work part time when she was 3 months old but then was home full time just 5 months later.  I love my boys so much but I have really enjoyed having a daughter - at least this far!  I am constantly prayer for the teen years for all three of my children but especially my daughter! 
After our trip to Disney earlier this year Aubrey had decided on a princess party - more specifically Cinderella!  I have a lot of pictures from the party - some are blurry as I have a new camera and need to read the instruction manual a little more!
all set up for the party

Aubrey's cake made by her Aunt Shauna

ready to open presents!


reading her card with Daddy

Minnie scooter!

Minnie Mouse from Disney World

new twinkle toes


Tangled crown from Disney World

gettin pretty!!

time for some cake

blowing out the candles

yummy frosting!

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