Sunday, April 28, 2013

Busy, busy!

Well folks things are going to start getting buys around here - even more so than daily life with three children, a husband, college classes, and keeping up a house!  Tomorrow Hayden has his first baseball game and Nile starts practice.  That means we will have games two nights a week and practice two nights a week for the next several weeks.  Then we move on to four games a week.  The boys have 5 weeks of school left and Tulip Time is this week as well!  Unfortunately the weather outlook isn't real great for Tulip Time but we are praying it improves before the end of the week. 
As far as my schooling goes I have already finished one of my spring classes and have just a few weeks left in the other.  This summer I will be taking two classes as well.  I was planning on taking just one but I was able to find an online source for my Spanish classes so I will be beginning that as well.  For fall I will have two classes at Iowa and one Spanish class at a community college online.  This means that after next spring I will be done with classes at Iowa and after next summer I will be done all together!!  WOW!  It is crazy to think that I will finally have my degree and be a college graduate!  Super excited for that day to come but enjoying all I am learning at this time as well.  I am hoping my online Spanish classes go much smoother than my Latin class and I can get this all wrapped up before my baby girl is off to preschool!! 
Hopefully sometime this week I can get up a few pics from Hayden's first games. 

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