Monday, June 24, 2013

Aubrey's 1st movie theater experience

Yesterday we decided to take the whole family to see Monsters University here in Pella.  This would be Aubrey's first trip to see a movie in the theater.  She watches way too many movies at home and loves them.  After our big trip to Disney World earlier this year I thought she was ready since we went to many shows and such.  The movie here was in 3D and she did well with the 3D at Disney so I was hoping she would enjoy this too.  She was a little nervous with the dark but we got there early and ate our snacks before the movie began.  Aubrey sat on my lap for the movie and we had to leave once for a potty break.  All in all she did well.  I think if it would have been a princess movie she would have loved every minute.  She was getting tired and antsy towards the end of the movie and overall the movie wasn't as great as I was hoping it would be.  Next up is Despicable Me 2 in July.  The boys ask for theater tickets for Christmas so we are finally enjoying that gift!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Swimming lessons take 1

Yesterday afternoon Nile and Aubrey had their first private swimming lessons at the Pella pool.  In typical Nile fashion he refused to do his lesson so we switched things up and Aubrey went first.  She was a pro and did a great job listening to Miss Rachel.  Nile and Daddy playing in the water for 30 minutes while Aubrey had her lesson.  Then when she was done Nile was ready to give it a try.  Nile did a great job listening and remembering what he had learned in previous lessons.  I even saw a few smiles!  Next week we will plan to get to the pool earlier so we can all play and swim for a little while before lessons.  Hayden found some friends from school and had a great time playing in the water with them.  He has had enough lessons that I feel comfortable with him playing and not having to watch him ever second.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Yesterday we went down to my in-laws for Fathers day lunch and some swimming.  The water was a little cold but Aubrey and Hayden didn't mind.  Nile was a little apprehensive, as usual.  He has always been more nervous around water and then he warms up to it and has a ball.  Tonight Aubrey and Nile start swimming lessons with a girl from our church.  I am sure I will have another post coming on how things go tonight with some picture of course!  Nile has taken a few lessons but then we stopped.  Hayden does great in the water and I don't have to worry about him at all.  Aubrey loves the water but needs a few lessons to be safe and start to learn how to swim.  Here are a few pictures from yesterday.
Miss Aubrey

Nile not sure if he wants to get in or not

She loves the water!

Hayden had a blast with Grandma's diving sticks

Hayden looking goofy in goggles

Dancing queen

We have had a few wedding receptions this month and Aubrey is absolutely obsessed with weddings!  She is always talking about getting married.  She has been known to steal the show on the dance floor too. 
looking pretty

dancing with Grandpa


Hayden's final season of rookies is coming to a close.  He has one more make up game this Tuesday and then he is done.  Nile still has a few weeks of games left to play.  The weather has been good for most of the games they have played.  Just had several cancelled this year due to the rain.  Hayden has enjoyed playing and continues to improve.
Hayden with his little league metal

Aubrey and her baby enjoying the game - this is what I get when I ask her to smile

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nile - Tball 2013

Nile is in his second year of tball in the Pella Little League.  He is a huge fan of playing sports, specifically baseball and soccer right now.  I didn't sign him up for soccer last year but I guess I probably should this year so he can try it and see what he thinks.  Hayden played soccer just one season.  He liked it OK but wasn't a huge fan.  He will be playing flag football for the first time this fall and is excited about that.  Here are a few picture of Nile at his games.  He is quite the little ball player.  He said he is not going to hit the ball of the tee and he hasn't had to yet.  The boys get four pitches from the new pitching machine and if they cant hit any of those they hit off the tee.  Nile has had really good hits and has been doing awesome fielding as well.  He played first base one game and got three players from the other team out by himself.  Hayden is wrapping up his season this week with his final game on Wednesday.  Hopefully he will be able to make up a few games as well since he had four cancelled this season.  It has been fun to watch his whole team improve over the season.  Hayden likes playing baseball too but is not quite as obsessed as Nile!
Nile's team all in a line - he is number 8

batter up!

ready to run home!