Monday, June 24, 2013

Aubrey's 1st movie theater experience

Yesterday we decided to take the whole family to see Monsters University here in Pella.  This would be Aubrey's first trip to see a movie in the theater.  She watches way too many movies at home and loves them.  After our big trip to Disney World earlier this year I thought she was ready since we went to many shows and such.  The movie here was in 3D and she did well with the 3D at Disney so I was hoping she would enjoy this too.  She was a little nervous with the dark but we got there early and ate our snacks before the movie began.  Aubrey sat on my lap for the movie and we had to leave once for a potty break.  All in all she did well.  I think if it would have been a princess movie she would have loved every minute.  She was getting tired and antsy towards the end of the movie and overall the movie wasn't as great as I was hoping it would be.  Next up is Despicable Me 2 in July.  The boys ask for theater tickets for Christmas so we are finally enjoying that gift!

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