Monday, June 17, 2013


Yesterday we went down to my in-laws for Fathers day lunch and some swimming.  The water was a little cold but Aubrey and Hayden didn't mind.  Nile was a little apprehensive, as usual.  He has always been more nervous around water and then he warms up to it and has a ball.  Tonight Aubrey and Nile start swimming lessons with a girl from our church.  I am sure I will have another post coming on how things go tonight with some picture of course!  Nile has taken a few lessons but then we stopped.  Hayden does great in the water and I don't have to worry about him at all.  Aubrey loves the water but needs a few lessons to be safe and start to learn how to swim.  Here are a few pictures from yesterday.
Miss Aubrey

Nile not sure if he wants to get in or not

She loves the water!

Hayden had a blast with Grandma's diving sticks

Hayden looking goofy in goggles

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