Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Swimming lessons take 1

Yesterday afternoon Nile and Aubrey had their first private swimming lessons at the Pella pool.  In typical Nile fashion he refused to do his lesson so we switched things up and Aubrey went first.  She was a pro and did a great job listening to Miss Rachel.  Nile and Daddy playing in the water for 30 minutes while Aubrey had her lesson.  Then when she was done Nile was ready to give it a try.  Nile did a great job listening and remembering what he had learned in previous lessons.  I even saw a few smiles!  Next week we will plan to get to the pool earlier so we can all play and swim for a little while before lessons.  Hayden found some friends from school and had a great time playing in the water with them.  He has had enough lessons that I feel comfortable with him playing and not having to watch him ever second.

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