Thursday, October 3, 2013

Happy 9th b-day Hayden

Wow, time goes so quickly when you are a parent.  It seems like I just found out I was pregnant with my first baby and now he is turning 9!  Hayden has been such a blessing to my life.  He is the best son a mother could ask for.  Hayden was a wonderful baby, not so much the other two :).  He is such an easy going kid.  He will try anything once.  He is caring, kind, intelligent, and a wonderful big bro two his little bro and sis.  I think Hayden changed my life for the better and thank God for sending him to us.  Giving birth to Hayden is the hardest thing I have ever done.  After being in labor all night and the next morning I was finally ready to push just before lunch on Sunday October 3, 2004.  My mom was with Jeremy and I and she was excited thinking he would be here soon.  After almost 2 hours of pushing I was exhausted and Dr Posthuma decided to use the vacuum to help me push the baby out.  We were thinking Hayden would weigh around 8 pounds since I was a big baby and I was 3 days over due.  Well when they put my baby on the scale he weighed in at 9 pounds and 9.5 ounces!  Even my doctor was surprised.  He had a big head and took everything I had and more to push him out!  And of course my intrathecal medicine had long since worn off.  Needless to say my labor and delivery with Nile was much easier and Aubrey was turning somersaults at the end and broke my water and I had to have a c-section.

Newborn Hayden 10/3/04

not quite 4 year old Hayden hanging out at the
 Eddyville drag strip for a car show 7/08

Nine year old Hayden 10/3/13

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