Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We have been struggling with what to do about afternoon naps for Aubrey for a little while now.  I have been trying to encourage "quiet time" in the afternoons now so I am still able to have a little break and get some homework done.  But many days she still ends up falling asleep and then we have trouble getting her to bed at night.  I think Aubrey is a lot like me and is a night owl!  One day last week I had kept her up and I was talking to my mom on the phone when we noticed that Aubrey had fallen asleep on the rug!  She slept here for about 20 minutes and then I carried her to her bed and she slept for another hour or so.  
She is currently in her room "resting" and I am guessing she is sleeping while I type this and listen to an online lecture.  I guess for now we will just go with the flow and keep working with the quiet time while we are home in the afternoons.  

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