Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Van Wyk fall camp out 2013

Last weekend we headed out to the Whitebreast group camping area with some of my family.  The weather was beautiful Friday and Saturday it was chilly and rainy.  We still had Nile's soccer game so we came in for that and then back our again.  We have a yummy lunch while the wind picked up and the rain couldnt decide whether to really rain or just mist.  After lunch we watched the Iowa game and then made a yummy supper of soups, nachos, and other sides.  We made a new dutch oven dessert I found on Pinterest that has chocolate chip cookie dough then oreos and finally brownie batter on top.  This was wonderful with our homemade ice cream.  Other than the weather not being fantastic Saturday we had a great time!  Cant wait to do it again next spring.

 Aubrey was hanging out inside the camper while we watched the Hawkeye football game.

The first night the boys both slept with my parents in their camper but the second night Nile decided to stay with us in my in-law's camper.

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