Monday, November 18, 2013

Iowa Basketball Game

Yesterday we took the kids to Iowa City for an Iowa Basketball game.  We stopped in Williamsburg to get Nile some new jeans since his tend to get holes in the knees very easily!  Then we headed to Olive Garden for a delicious lunch, so yummy!  On Saturday I ordered our Christmas cards from Costco and they were ready to be picked up when we stopped in Sunday!  And a good price - cant beat that.  We needed to get some new lights for the house for Christmas so we picked those up and hopefully they will last us a few years.  We don't seem to have very good luck with lights for our house.  
At the game we had great seats and the kids each got a fun item to cheer with.  Aubrey is in love with cheerleaders right now and had a great time using her own pom poms and watching the big girls.  It was a great game and a fun day as a family.  I took Aubrey down by Herky during the game but she wanted nothing to do with him.  Oh well.  On the way home we stopped at everyone's favorite McDonald's and then home to bed.

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