Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30 Day of Thanksfulness

I have seen many people posting on facebook the past few years about the 30 days of thankfulness.  This year I decided to do it as well but I wrote it in my notebook and will post it here rather than on facebook.  There are still 3 days left but I went ahead and added them in so I could have the whole list here.

I am thankful for.....
1. my savior Jesus Christ
2. my loving, supportive, hard-working husband Jeremy
3. my parents who have show me how to live as a Christian, be financially responsible, be a good wife
4. our church where I have the opportunity to volunteer and teach others as well as learn myself
5. our first born child who was the biggest surprise but the best thing I could have been given, Hayden Cole
6. my health, it isn't perfect but I am able to do what I need to do and so much more
7. our second child who challenges us daily but is also so loving and special, Nile Edward
8. our second surprise and third child who is my baby girl and loves to dance and sing, Aubrey Jane
9. our house, it may not be the fanciest house but it is more than we need and we have space to spread out a little now
10. our Hawkeye friends and fun times together
11. our Veterans and service members
12. my ability to cook yummy food for my family
13. the beauty of God's creation all around us
14. friendships that have stood the test of time and distance
15.the surprise of flowers just because
16. our small group at church
17. fun family outing together where memories are made
18. sunshine in the bright blue sky
19. my babysitting kiddos
20. my hometown, Pella, IA
21. the wonderful teachers my boys have had in the first years at school
22. fresh fallen snow, all glittery and perfect
23. my in-laws, I got a great "new" family when I married Jeremy
24. my brother Daron, who I get to see a little more now since he is back in the Midwest
25. forgiveness, from my husband, children, friends, and most importantly God
26. caffeine for days I stayed up to late studying
27. hot oatmeal on cold mornings
28. the smell and taste of fresh baked bread
29. meals shared with family and friends
30. dates with my husband, whether it is a weekend away or a meal for just the two of us

I hope you take the time to stop and count your blessing this Thanksgiving season before rushing into the Christmas season.

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