Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend away for an Iowa football game

This past weekend Jeremy and I headed out to Indiana to watch the Hawkeyes play against Purdue.  We traveled with 8 other friends.  Jeremy had been out to Purdue twice before and saw the Hawkeyes lose both times so he was anxious to see them win in West Lafayette.  We headed out Friday after lunch.  We had to make a pit stop in a tiny town in Illinois and when we came back out we could not get the car to unlock.  We had to wait for an hour for a sheriff to come and open the door.  Not sure what the problem was but luckily we didn't have any more problems with the car the rest of the trip.  We got checked in to our hotel around 9 PM and headed out for a bite and a drink at Walt's Other Pub.  The next morning we ate a quick breakfast at Ihop and headed to tailgate til the game started.  There were lots of Hawkeye fans everywhere and we all had a great time.  I missed the kiddos a lot but it was nice to have some adult time as well!!

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