Friday, December 20, 2013

Countdown to Christmas

It has been an unusual week at our house this week.  Early Sunday morning, like the middle of the night!, Aubrey got sick in her bed.  Jeremy got her cleaned up while I got the bed cleaned up.  She was back to sleep and then up again at 3:30 AM sick.  Teamwork again in getting her and the bed changed and back to sleep.  In the morning, when the sun was actually up, she didn't get sick anymore just some diarrhea.  She was not happy about having to miss Sunday school either.  The rest of Sunday Jeremy was home with her and she ate normal and rested.  That evening she seem completely back to normal.  Jeremy and the boys went to Osky to see our niece and nephew's Christmas program.  After they came home everyone got ready for bed.  I was still up working on a few things when I heard Hayden getting sick all over the floor in his room.  Yuck!  At least the sheets I can rinse off in the sink and throw in the washing machine!  The carpet was a mess, luckily I have a good friend with a carpet cleaning machine and it worked wonders Monday afternoon.  We got Hayden back to bed Sunday night with a bucket and he made it most of the night OK.  I tried to take Nile to school on Monday morning but he was upset about going to school without Hayden and wouldn't get out of the car.  So I had all three home Monday.  Tuesday I was able to get Nile to school but Hayden had to stay home again since he didn't keep his supper down the night before.  By Wednesday everyone was feeling great and back to school for the boys and a "normal" day for Aubrey and I.  Thursday and Friday I am babysitting.  Thursday we went to school to watch Nile and his class perform their Gingerbread Kid Caper program.  They all did a great job!  So far the rest of us have been able to stay healthy and Jeremy has been working a lot of hours,  We are all looking forward to some time off together to celebrate Jesus' birthday.  Today is the last day of school for the boys until January 6 and the last day of work for Jeremy until January 2.  We will also be off babysitting until December 31 so it will just be the 5 of us.  With the cold temps forecasted for Monday I see a lot of Christmas movies, board games, and hot chocolate in our future! 

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and remember the real reason we celebrate!
God Bless,
The Rozenboom's

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