Sunday, December 8, 2013

Date night with the kiddo

Friday night Jeremy and the boys headed to Osky to watch the Pella basketball teams play.  I decided since the boys were going out for some fun Aubrey and I would do the same.  I told her during the day Friday that she had to take a nap if we were going to go to the movie that night so she finally gave in and cuddled with Minnie and Aurora while she got some beauty rest.  After supper the boys headed to Osky and the girls went to the movies.  Aubrey and I saw Frozen in 3D here in town.  It was a really good movie.  We both liked it a lot and the 3D was great!  Even though Aubrey and I do spend most of our time together if was fun for us to have a girls night a do something different and I know the boys had a great time watching Pella defeat Osky!

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