Sunday, February 23, 2014

Late anniversary & valentines weekend away

gold out

card stunt side 1 - during the national anthem

card stunt side 2 - during the WI lineup

Jeremy and I headed to Iowa City this past Friday afternoon for a night away and the Iowa basketball game the next day.  It was relaxing and much more quiet than it would have been if we brought the kids along!  Thankfully his parents were able to keep the kids for us and they enjoyed some grandpa and grandma time.  We did a little shopping, ate supper at The Airliner (which is actually where we first met!), and relaxed in the hot tub.  It was a nice day/night away but I was happy to see the kids again on Saturday night.  Unfortunately the basketball game didnt end up how we would have like but it was still nice to get away and spend some time just the two of us.

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