Thursday, February 20, 2014

The "bored" jar

We have been having a lot of the "I'm bored" comments at our house lately.  I saw this idea on a blog a while ago and decided to finally give it a try.  The kids helped me come up with the ideas to write on the slips of paper and we cut them out and put them in a jar I had downstairs on the shelf.  The rule is that you have to do what is on the slip you drew before you can draw again or do anything else.  So of the slips have a job or chore listed such as vacuum the stairs or work on letters/math.  Others are a little more fun such as tv time, play video games.  Each child picked out a slip tonight after we got it all put together and as luck would have it the boys both got a fun one while Aubrey got to vacuum the stairs with the dust buster.  So far they are enjoying it.  I am sure we will add more ideas as the weather changes and we think of them.

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