Friday, May 30, 2014

First day of summer break

School is officially over so that mean time at the pool!!

Hayden on the drop slide

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fairbank wedding

This past weekend the kids stayed at my parents Saturday night and Jeremy and I attended the wedding of some friends in Osky.  It was the first wedding we had attended with a photo booth and it was very popular!  It was a beautiful reception and fun to see some friends we don't see to often anymore!

Hayden - baseball

I havent been to as many of Hayden's games this year as I would like since we have had several nights where both boys play at the same time.  Last night we all headed over to Osky to watch Hayden's team play.  The boys have all improved so much and it was a lot of fun to watch them.  One boy on his team is moving away so it was his last game.  After the game we all met in Pella at Dairy Queen to celebrate three wins in a row and Micheal's last game.  They are a fun bunch of boys!

my 1st baseman!

Last day of school 2013-14

my soon to be 4th grader, preschooler, and 2nd grader

they do actually like each other - occasionally!

always have to do a silly one too!
Every year it amazes me how fast the school year flies by!  At 2:25 PM today the boys will be done with another year of school.  Hayden will be moving to the Jefferson Intermediate school next year for 4th grade and Nile will be moving up to 2nd grade still at Madison Elementary school.  It seems like Hayden was just in preschool and we were expecting our third baby.  I think how fast time seems to move once the kids start school is part of my hesitation for putting Aubrey in preschool in the school system.  I will be homeschooling her preschool this fall.  In 9 short years Hayden will be graduating from high school and going off into the world as an adult!  I am working hard to treasure these moments and be present with my kids/family.  We had a family meeting the other night to discuss some behavior/attitude issues and the kids pretty much did all the talking - it was great!  We are looking forward to a fun summer break!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dance recital videos

Fe Fi Fo Fum

Body Rock

Jesus In the Morning - dance recital

Aubrey - 4 year check up

Yesterday morning Aubrey had her 4 year check up with Dr Posthuma.  We hadn't been in to see him since her last well child check up a year ago so that is always a good sign!  She weighed in at 38# which is 73% for her age and is 3'7" tall which is 96% for her age.  She is tall and thin, not sure where she gets that! :)
She is healthy and growing well!  After her check up we stopped downtown for a little photo shoot with the tulip and a quick stop at the bakery!
It is hard to believe that our house no longer has any babies or toddlers in it!  It makes me sad to think they are growing up so fast but I am so grateful for the gift of motherhood, even if there are some day when I don't feel so grateful, and my healthy happy children.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Daddy/Daughter dance at the recital

Aubrey and Jeremy danced together in her classes first dance of the recital.  It was really cute to see all the little girls dancing and the daddies we fun to watch too!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Aubrey's spring dance recital

dancing with Daddy

Aubrey and Rebecca

Friday, May 9, 2014

Hayden - Minors little league

Hayden is playing his first year of minors this spring/summer.  There are lots of changes at this level.  The boys start pitching rather than a machine so there is a transition to judging the pitches and learning to pitch and catching becomes very important since a lot of bases are advanced on wild pitches.  Hayden has been playing first base a lot and does well here.  He seems to really like it and is adjusting to batting at this level.

Aubrey's last dance class

This past Monday was Aubrey last dance class for this session.  She has pictures tonight and then her recital tomorrow afternoon.  Some days she said she didn't want to go and she didn't play complete attention every second of class but all in all she loved it and she was only 3 when she started so a little hesitation is to be expected.  We asked her if she wanted to take dance class again and she said yes she loves it.  I am looking forward to some great pictures tonight and a fun recital tomorrow followed by supper at Applebees per Aubrey's request.  Happy dancing everyone!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Nile - Rookies little league

Nile is playing his first year of rookies baseball this spring/summer.  He is my sports nut and has been waiting for the chance to play baseball again.  Jeremy is the assistant coach for Nile's team.  He has had one game so far.  It was a cold one in Bussey last week and they didnt play few long due to the temps and drizzle.  Hayden, Aubrey and I arrived at his game just in time to see him bat and get a good hit out to second base.   


Roy Marble and Devon Marble were signing autographs at Sports Page on satuday so Jeremy headed out earlier than the rest of us to get in line and we came out shortly before they arrived.  The boys enjoyed meeting to Hawkeye greats.  Roy Marble signed our Hawkeye Greats by the Numbers book and Devon signed the boys' Iowa BBall poster. 

Tulip Time 2014

my 3 Dutch kiddos in front of the house

Nile & Mrs Fessler

the boys riding with Grandpa in the Friday afternoon parade

Aubrey patiently waiting for the Ice Cream Truck!

the kids with some pretty tulips

dressed up with the big wooden shoes or klompen

Hayden & Mrs Jones

Aubrey loved the parades!

Nile and Brooke, Mrs Fessler's daughter

Aubrey liked the tea party float too

Hayden riding the Cadet float in the Saturday night parade

my big Cadet boy!
The weather for Tulip Time this year started a little wet and chilly on Thursday but Friday was beautiful and Saturday was great too.  The boys were busy with marching with their classes and riding with my dad in a Pella Motors truck to pull a float.  Hayden also decided to ride the Cadet float and had a make up baseball game Thursday night.  It was a busy weekend but I LOVE Tulip Time so it was great for me!  Aubrey loved watching all of the parades and we even found a few treasures in the Dutch Markets.  For me I think all of the extra walking cancelled out the extra eating so that was great too! 

Next week is super crazy for us.  Monday night Aubrey has her last dance class and Hayden has a baseball game in Fremont.  Tuesday night Nile has a game in Eddyville.  Wednesday night Hayden has a game in Pella.  Thursday night Nile has a game in Pella.  Friday night Aubrey has dance pictures and Friday is also the last day for my spring semester classes.  We are also babysitting Tuesday - Friday this week.  Saturday Aubrey has her dance recital rehearsal in the morning and her recital in the afternoon.  It is going to be busy but I am looking forward to the end of the semester for me and the summer off for classes with just my final Spanish class in the fall.  The boys are counting down the days left for school and Aubrey is looking forward to going to the swimming pool a lot!