Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last day of school 2013-14

my soon to be 4th grader, preschooler, and 2nd grader

they do actually like each other - occasionally!

always have to do a silly one too!
Every year it amazes me how fast the school year flies by!  At 2:25 PM today the boys will be done with another year of school.  Hayden will be moving to the Jefferson Intermediate school next year for 4th grade and Nile will be moving up to 2nd grade still at Madison Elementary school.  It seems like Hayden was just in preschool and we were expecting our third baby.  I think how fast time seems to move once the kids start school is part of my hesitation for putting Aubrey in preschool in the school system.  I will be homeschooling her preschool this fall.  In 9 short years Hayden will be graduating from high school and going off into the world as an adult!  I am working hard to treasure these moments and be present with my kids/family.  We had a family meeting the other night to discuss some behavior/attitude issues and the kids pretty much did all the talking - it was great!  We are looking forward to a fun summer break!

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