Thursday, May 15, 2014

Aubrey - 4 year check up

Yesterday morning Aubrey had her 4 year check up with Dr Posthuma.  We hadn't been in to see him since her last well child check up a year ago so that is always a good sign!  She weighed in at 38# which is 73% for her age and is 3'7" tall which is 96% for her age.  She is tall and thin, not sure where she gets that! :)
She is healthy and growing well!  After her check up we stopped downtown for a little photo shoot with the tulip and a quick stop at the bakery!
It is hard to believe that our house no longer has any babies or toddlers in it!  It makes me sad to think they are growing up so fast but I am so grateful for the gift of motherhood, even if there are some day when I don't feel so grateful, and my healthy happy children.

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