Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First day of school 2014

The boys ready for the first day - Sis ready for more Mommy & Aubrey days!

Nile - 2nd grade  Hayden - 4th grade

Hayden is riding his bike to school this year!

And he's off!

Nile getting on the bus

I have to admit that this year is a little tough for me.  It is the first year since both boys have been in school full time that they are no longer in the same school.  It really hit me last night when we got an email from Jefferson about the drop off/pick up process.  I guess it is just more proof that they are growing up so fast!  Hayden will be 10 in a few months and if the next 10 years fly by as fast as the last 10 have all three of my kids will be practically grown in no time!  I am trying hard to enjoy and savor everything in the present, even the tantrums and fights!! 
Hayden is riding his bike or walking to school this year since he can cut through the path down by our house to school, more prayers from this mommy for his safety to and from school!
That means Nile is riding the bus in the mornings by himself, Aubrey and I walked with him today but from now on he will be pretty much on his own, more prayers that he grows with this new responsibility and blossoms. 
Aubrey is home with me still full time, we will be doing a home school preschool with her this year and then off to Kindergarten next fall!
I have my first day of my final undergraduate class next Monday and then will graduate with my bachelors in December.  Hard to believe I will have finally accomplished this goal and even better yet we have no debt from my classes, we have been able to pay for everything up front!  Truly a blessing considering we are a family of 5 on a single income other than the little I bring in from babysitting a few days.  
Here's to a great year for all the kiddos, and adults, heading back to school this fall!

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