Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nile's first official Bible!

At our church the 2nd graders receive a Bible from the church for them to use on Sunday mornings and for Wednesday night activities.  It is not the same version we use in church but more geared towards kids.  Hayden has read a significant amount of his since he got it two years ago.  This past Sunday was Nile's turn to get his Bible.  Our church is working to instill in parents and kids the importance of being in the word daily and to encourage parents to be the lead in their children's faith walk.  We now have each parent write a blessing to their child in their Bible and then we read it to them in the front of church while the congregation prays for all of us.  It is a very emotional experience/service for me.   When Hayden got his Bible two years ago Jeremy had to read the blessing since I was too busy trying not to cry!  This year with Nile was the same case.  After church we headed to Culver's, Nile's pick, to celebrate the occasion.

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