Friday, September 5, 2014

Kids activities this fall

Fall is almost here and things are getting a little busier at our house.  Hawkeyes football started last saturday so Jeremy is gone most of the day for the home games.  Nile also had his first soccer game last saturday.  His team lost but he scored 5 goals so it wasnt so bad.  Last night Aubrey had her first dance class with a new studio and loved it.  Hayden also had his first flag football game last night.  His team won and he caught a pass for the two point conversion after a touchdown/interception.
Wednesday night was the start of church activities, Hayden and Nile are both in Cadets now and Jeremy is teaching Nile's class, Aubrey started WOW for the first time, and I am participating in a Fit for Life exercise and Bible study with other women.  The boys are adjusting well to school and Aubrey and I have been working on preschool a little on days we have time.  I am thankful that I am only taking one class this fall and I am familiar with the teacher and workload. 
We are thankful the kids are able to participate in all these extras and try hard to not get them overly involved and busy.  It seems like spring is busy with the end of school and baseball and fall is busy with the start of school and football/soccer. 

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