Friday, September 19, 2014

Nile update

Nile is in 2nd grade now.  The transition is going well, he still misses his 1st grade teacher but likes his new teacher too.  In 2nd grade it is important to read a lot and also work on math.  Nile needs to ready 15 minutes a day and most days this is ok, he reads well and likes to read but he would rather be playing sports or video games.  Nile is doing well in math.  He has some flashcards as well that we have done some but honestly he doesnt need to at this point.  He mentioned the other day that his is in a math challenge group at school for the kids that are ready for my challenging work in math.  Nile is playing soccer again this fall and LOVES it.  That kids would probably play any sport with anyone but he has a love for soccer and his love for football is growing as well.  Nile has been there for 2 of his 3 games so far this fall and he scored 5 goals in each game.  It is so fun to see him light up when he scores, he holds back a little on the field but I think as he gets older he is become more aggressive, if you know Nile very well you already know that he does not hold back at home!  It is much more difficult to take picture at football and soccer games that it is at dance classes!

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