Friday, September 26, 2014

Cadet campout

Last Saturday was the annual cadet camp out.  This was Hayden's 3rd year going and Nile's first.  Nile had a late soccer game so Hayden headed out early with my dad and Jeremy and Nile went out later.  The boys had fun with the new pond and paddle boats and shooting guns.  About bedtime Jeremy called me and said he was coming into town with Nile, he had run into a barb wire fence and was cut up pretty bad.  I had my mom come over and stay with Aubrey and the rest of us headed into the ER.  He was cut on his face, chest, wrist, thighs, and shin.  All of the cuts were pretty minor with the exception of a deep cut on his shin.  The nurse got him cleaned up and when the doctor came we had to get stitches in his leg.  Nile is not a fan of doctors, shots, or any such things so getting the shots to numb the area for stitches was not a fun event.  I think the entire ER could hear him screaming!  Once the numbing was done he was a super start for the stitches.  He ended up with 7 stitches and has been the talk of the school this week.  Today we go to our doctor to have the stitches removed.  I am hoping this goes smoothly, but with Nile it is hard to say.  The other cuts are all healing nicely and quickly which is good because school pictures are next Monday!

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