Friday, October 3, 2014

Hayden is 10!!!

Today my first baby is 10 years old.  I can hardly type this post without getting tears in my eyes.  10 just seems so old!  I have been a mommy for a decade!  I couldnt have asked for a better first child.  Hayden was not planned by me but God certianly knew what he was doing when he gave him to me.  Hayden is kind, paient, loving, easy going, I could go on and on.  He is willing to try anything once and gets along with everyone.  He has a lot of his father in him and looks like him for the most part as well.  I went through some old photo albums and scanned a few pictures of Hayden through out the years.

9+ months pregnant

a family of three!

first Hawkeyes game - a few weeks old

getting bigger - and chubbier!

Hayden is a big brother!  2 years old

heading to the Good Guys car show in the 38 almost 3 years old

Hayden 3 Nile 9 months

2010 big brother again at 5 1/2 years



2012 8 years old
Florida 2013
2013 8 1/2 years


9 years

10 years old - 2014!

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