Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fall Festival

Last week was Hayden's last flag football game - the went out with a win and it was a great team with great coaches.  They were a lot of fun to watch this year!  Saturday morning Nile had his last soccer game.  He is still in love with the game and bummed they are done already.  The next four saturday mornings Nile will be attending the football clinic to learn basic drills and plays to get ready for flag football next fall!  Things are slowing down a bit here and that is always a blessing.  We still have Aubrey's dance class once a week and she is loving it!  Hayden would like to play basketball this winter so we are considering that.  It would be December - January I believe.  Nile is also considering this.  His basketball would be January.  We have heard great things about the program and it is centered on fun and God.  In the past we have not done any athletic activities for the boys in the winter.  Nile is a very active child and we are thinking it may be good to have some kind of organized outlet for some of his energy in the winter time! 

Last saturday Jeremy was at the Iowa game for homecoming and the kiddos and I were home.  We headed out to the Fall Festival after the soccer game and enjoyed lots of fun activities.  The weather was perfect!  The kids painted pumpkins, rode the barrel train, petted a bunny and kittens, got their face painted, rode the hay rack, slide down a hay bale, launched a mini pumpkin, and lots of other fun activities.  When we were done we headed back into town and grabbed some lunch at DQ.  We got home intime to listen to the end of the Iowa game on the radio.  I kind of wanted to go to the Iowa game since it was my last homecoming game as a student but I decided that it was probably better for me to stay home with the kids.  There will always be more football games but my kiddos will only be young for such a short time!

Hard at work

Nile made Leo the blue ninja turtle, Aubrey made a "rainbow" pumpkin, Hayden made Cole the black ninja from Ninjago

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