Monday, August 18, 2014

Spencer car show 2014

Nile and Aubrey dancing

Aubrey and Grammie dancing

Hanging out in the tent

Peek a boo!

The kiddos with the 38

Hayden jumping

Aubrey jumping

Aubrey on the carousel

Nile & Aubrey on the little roller coaster
The second weekend in August we headed up to northern Iowa to Spencer for a car show.  We had great weather again except for the mosquitoes!  Friday after we arrived we set up the camper and tent and waited for supper to be ready.  Then it was some fun kids games before bed.  Saturday after breakfast we headed over to Arnold's Park for the day and had a fun time in the amusement park.  Aubrey was finally tall enough for the bumper cars so she was thrilled.  The kids and I all jumped on the bungee trampoline.  That was quite a work out!!  Hayden and the grown ups rode the big roller coaster several times and Nile and Aubrey rode everything they wanted to multiple times too.  When we were done at the park my parents headed back to Spencer with the kids while Jeremy and I went to check out The Barefoot bar.  It was a little tricky to find but worth the search.  We will definitely be coming back again next time we are in the area.  We headed back to Spencer and enjoyed a yummy meal and the band.  Aubrey won a prize for the water balloon launch and Nile won the coloring contest for his age.  The ended up giving Hayden a prize too since he was the only one of our kids that didn't win something - super thoughtful!  Sunday we headed back home.  We stopped in Pocahontas to see my college roommate and her family.  It was great to see them and visit for a little while.  After we got home, unpacked, and showered it was time to head to church for a bbq and then small group.  The weather was great even though we were a little worried about rain and we had a great time. 

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