Friday, September 26, 2014

Cadet campout

Last Saturday was the annual cadet camp out.  This was Hayden's 3rd year going and Nile's first.  Nile had a late soccer game so Hayden headed out early with my dad and Jeremy and Nile went out later.  The boys had fun with the new pond and paddle boats and shooting guns.  About bedtime Jeremy called me and said he was coming into town with Nile, he had run into a barb wire fence and was cut up pretty bad.  I had my mom come over and stay with Aubrey and the rest of us headed into the ER.  He was cut on his face, chest, wrist, thighs, and shin.  All of the cuts were pretty minor with the exception of a deep cut on his shin.  The nurse got him cleaned up and when the doctor came we had to get stitches in his leg.  Nile is not a fan of doctors, shots, or any such things so getting the shots to numb the area for stitches was not a fun event.  I think the entire ER could hear him screaming!  Once the numbing was done he was a super start for the stitches.  He ended up with 7 stitches and has been the talk of the school this week.  Today we go to our doctor to have the stitches removed.  I am hoping this goes smoothly, but with Nile it is hard to say.  The other cuts are all healing nicely and quickly which is good because school pictures are next Monday!

Homecoming week

This week has been homecoming for Pella.  The boys have had fun dressing up each day to celebrate.  Here are some pictures of them each morning before school.

Monday - silly hat day
Tuesday - favorite team day

Wednesday - crazy color day

Thursday - crazy sock day

Friday - green and white day

Friday, September 19, 2014

Nile update

Nile is in 2nd grade now.  The transition is going well, he still misses his 1st grade teacher but likes his new teacher too.  In 2nd grade it is important to read a lot and also work on math.  Nile needs to ready 15 minutes a day and most days this is ok, he reads well and likes to read but he would rather be playing sports or video games.  Nile is doing well in math.  He has some flashcards as well that we have done some but honestly he doesnt need to at this point.  He mentioned the other day that his is in a math challenge group at school for the kids that are ready for my challenging work in math.  Nile is playing soccer again this fall and LOVES it.  That kids would probably play any sport with anyone but he has a love for soccer and his love for football is growing as well.  Nile has been there for 2 of his 3 games so far this fall and he scored 5 goals in each game.  It is so fun to see him light up when he scores, he holds back a little on the field but I think as he gets older he is become more aggressive, if you know Nile very well you already know that he does not hold back at home!  It is much more difficult to take picture at football and soccer games that it is at dance classes!

Hayden update

Hayden is in 4th grade now!  They work a lot on reading and comprehension and math.  One of these he loves and the other not so much.  He is a book worm, just like his mama, and reads as soon as he gets home from school each day.  They are supposed to ready 20-30 minutes a night and he has no problem with this.  Multiplication facts are pretty important at this level as well.  We have been practicing with his flashcards on this and he has improved a lot quickly.  Math is a lot different now in the schools so I am trying to make sure we find the answer they way they are teaching him.  Hayden is also playing flag football again this fall and enjoys that.  His team is 1-2 but the 2 losses we both very close games.  He has great coaches and continues to learn more about this sport.

under the lights - Hayden has the striped Iowa hat on

Aubrey update

Aubrey has had three dance classes so far this fall and is loving it.  She gets to do tap, ballet, and tumbling.  We have also started working on some preschool at home.  She is writing her name by herself without asking what letter comes next and we have been working on her birthday as well.  She can sing the ABC's song almost perfectly and we have been working on flash cards of the letters too.
Jeremy and I got new cell phones this summer so the kids have been playing with his old one, mine bit the dust.  Aubrey took over 70 pictures in one day!  

loves her tap shoes!

my little cowgirl, western night at church, making rope

"enjoying" another one of her brothers' activities

up close and personal, future photographer?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Kids activities this fall

Fall is almost here and things are getting a little busier at our house.  Hawkeyes football started last saturday so Jeremy is gone most of the day for the home games.  Nile also had his first soccer game last saturday.  His team lost but he scored 5 goals so it wasnt so bad.  Last night Aubrey had her first dance class with a new studio and loved it.  Hayden also had his first flag football game last night.  His team won and he caught a pass for the two point conversion after a touchdown/interception.
Wednesday night was the start of church activities, Hayden and Nile are both in Cadets now and Jeremy is teaching Nile's class, Aubrey started WOW for the first time, and I am participating in a Fit for Life exercise and Bible study with other women.  The boys are adjusting well to school and Aubrey and I have been working on preschool a little on days we have time.  I am thankful that I am only taking one class this fall and I am familiar with the teacher and workload. 
We are thankful the kids are able to participate in all these extras and try hard to not get them overly involved and busy.  It seems like spring is busy with the end of school and baseball and fall is busy with the start of school and football/soccer.