Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas break

For Christmas break this year the kids were off school, Jeremy was off work, and I didn't have any kiddos to watch so we spent a lot of time together just relaxing and watching way too much football!  It was nice to have some time where we didn't have much on the calendar and could just hang out.  The boys, all three of them, played with some of their new video games and Aubrey played with all her new dolls and toys. 
The boys were signed up to play Holiday Hoops basketball and Hayden enjoyed working on his skills and playing some games.  Nile went to first day but Jeremy didn't let him do much because he was wheezy and sounded pretty bad.  I took him to the doctor that evening and he though it was RSV.  We headed to Wal-Mart to buy some Mucinex and a nebulizer.  The next day the doctor called with the test results and it wasn't RSV, just a bad virus but we were to continue with the same treatment.  By Wednesday he was sounding much better so we decided to let him play in the last day of Holiday Hoops. 
We also celebrated our nieces 11th birthday with supper at Happy Joes.  Since Nile wasnt supposed to have dairy we grabbed him a Subway sandwich to eat with us.  So convenient that they are right next door to each other!   After supper the kids played some of the games for a little while and Nile hit the jackpot on one game.  Then they picked their prized and we had some ice cream cake.

Nile doing a breathing treatment
Aubrey snoozing on the couch after her bath

Someone hit the jackpot!

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