Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas 2014

Christmas Eve at my parents house

Aubrey and her new doll Lucy

my UA Alma Mater shirt!

the boys wearing their new Pella state champ football shirts and playing Wii, and Nile wearing his new stocking hat

Christmas morning at home after opening presents

Christmas afternoon with Jeremy's side at our house
This year we went to my parents house on Christmas eve to spend the day together.  My brother was home from college and my grandma came over too.  The kiddos got some BIG presents this year.  Hayden got a new bike, his old one was traded in since he has out grown it.  Aubrey got a bike too, she loves it and cant wait for the weather to warm up so she can ride more.  We also got a basketball hoop to mount on the garage.  I know this will get a lot of use in the years to come.  The boys already love playing basketball out in the driveway. 
We decided not to attend our church's Christmas eve service this year because the kids always get way to sleepy or fall asleep and they are getting too big for us to carry.  I really enjoy this service so hopefully in a year or so we will be able to start attending again.
Christmas morning we woke up to see what Santa had brought the kids under the trees in their rooms and then I got ready a little before we opened presents downstairs.  We had some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and the kids got dressed and played with their new presents.  Jeremy's parents and sister and her family came over for lunch and a few more presents.  Our big present from his parents was the trip to Florida so we each got a little something and had fun playing games, eating, and chatting.  We had such a great trip to Florida and Shauna made a book for Cathy with pictures so it was fun to look at it and reminisce, even though it was only a few weeks before. 

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