Saturday, December 20, 2014

Graduation day

On this day eleven years ago I headed to Iowa City with some friends to attend a graduation party.  I did not know the person graduating but agreed to tag along.  Little did I know that that day was permanently be part of my life from then on.  Later on in the day at the party I was introduced to a guy called Boomer.  We had a lot in common from a love for the Hawkeyes, Miller Lite, and Rusty Wallace.
Today December 20, 2014, we came back to Iowa City again for another graduation.  This time it was my graduation from the University of Iowa.  If you know me very well then you might know that I have attended multiple colleges and have put in a lot of time but with no degree prior to today.  When I decided to go back to school and stay home in 2011 I was committed to finally earning my degree.  It has not always been fun or easy but I have truly enjoyed many of my classes.
I am a proud college graduate and have my Bachelors or Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Human Relations.
It has been a very emotional day and I was super nervous about being feeling "old" but I am so glad I stayed with my plan of walking at my graduation.

Before the commencement ceremony.

Family picture after graduation, Nile was ready to go and Aubrey was not interested in pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good for you! I had no idea! What an example you set for your kids! :) Congratulations!!
