Thursday, December 11, 2014

Florida day 1 - 2

all the kiddos ready to fly off

Papa and Grandma Cathy with the grandkids

girls side on the plane

boys side on the plane

the moon out the plane window

swimming on our first full day in Orlando

playing at the park at our resort

The Sunday after Thanksgiving our family, along with my in-laws and SIL's family, headed to DSM to fly to Orlando.  It was the first time flying for my niece, nephew, and FIL but they all did great!  We picked up our rental 15 passenger van and headed to find some food.  After a yummy meal at Steak N Shake we drove to the resort and got checked in.  Then we were off to the super busy Wal-Mart to get food, souvenirs, and other supplies for the week.  Our plan was to bring lots of snacks with up to the parks so we could just eat once there and save some money.  We also ate a few meals at the resort together that we cooked there.  
Monday morning everyone else headed to Clearwater to see the Dolphins there and we headed to a sales presentation, it is hard to pass up when they give you $100 cash to come for 90 minutes.  The kids played in the child area while Jeremy and I learned more about the resort.  My parents are owners of several timeshares so we really have no need to buy one ourselves and that is what we told them.  It was a pretty painless meeting and then we headed back to our room to change and go swimming.  It was a little cloudy but the pools are heated so we did some swimming before heading back to make some lunch.  Aubrey took a nap after lunch while the rest of us relaxed and watched a little tv.  Later in the afternoon we went to check out some of the playgrounds on the resort and the boys played basketball at the court.   Then it was time to make some supper and for the rest of the group to come back from their fun day away.  
After supper we made plans for the next day and headed to bed.

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