Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas dance recital

Aubrey had her first recital with The Dan Company this weekend.  They had a Christmas theme to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  It was really cute and all the girls and boys did a great job.  Saturday was a super busy day for Aubrey and it showed the next day!  We started with Christmas program practice at church in the morning for Nile, Aubrey, and I.  Our program only goes through 2nd grade so Hayden is done and this was Nile's last one.  The second graders have the acting parts in our program and Nile was a sheep with his buddy Lucas.  I will upload the video Jeremy took when I get it off his phone.
We headed to Grammie's house for a little while after practice so the boys could work on their Cadet cars with Grandpa.  Then it was home for lunch and to get things ready for the recital and a family Christmas we had that evening. 
I helped with Aubrey's class for the first recital and then watched with Jeremy for the second one.  It is so fun to watch the little ones just up their having fun and then to see the older girls dancing so beautifully!

my little angel
we had a little trouble getting the wings to stay up

Waiting for our turn!

ready to go home
all done!

Nile having fun with the centerpieces at the Van Wyk Christmas

Hayden and Treyson being silly

After the dance recitals were done we headed home to get Aubrey changed and get everything for our Christmas get together.  For the Van Wyk side we always eat and then play bingo for prizes.  Each person gets two presents.  We each bring two small gifts per person playing.  It is a really fun time!  The the kids go swimming in the hotel pool.  As always we had lots of yummy food  and a good time visiting with everyone. 

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