Friday, December 12, 2014

Florida day 6 - Sea World

We love Sea World!  This was our second time there as a family and it is so much fun.  The roller coasters are awesome and the shows are super.  This time it was warmer than the last time we were there but still not too busy.  We got to ride the rides pretty much as much as we wanted so we took advantage of that.  Unfortunately our little princess wasn't feeling too well this day.  She started with a temp in the middle of the night.  Luckily we were in walking distance to a Walgreens so Jeremy walked to get some ibuprofen at 3AM, such a good daddy!  We got her back to sleep off an on and her temp was still a little high.  In the morning she was still warm so we gave her medicine every 6 hours throughout the day.  At the park we were really glad we had her stroller because she napped off and on for most of the day.  She was able to watch a few shows and ride a couple of rides too.  I am pretty sure the Sea World is now on our list of things we have to do when we go to the Orlando area, along with Disney of course!

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