Friday, December 12, 2014

Florida day 5 - Cocoa Beach

making sand angels

we found a jelly fish washed on shore
Thursday we took a break from the parks and headed to Cocoa Beach to see the ocean.  It was my in-laws, niece, and nephew's first time at the ocean.  It was a little rainy and super windy but the water was 76 so it didn't feel too bad.  We ate a picnic lunch, in the safety of the van away from the birds, and headed to the beach.  We had fun jumping in the waves and collecting sea shells.  We even found a jelly fish washed up on the shore.  Nile had fun looking at it and poking it with a stick, dont worry it was dead long before we got there.  After a few hours we headed back to Orlando for some pool swimming and supper together at the resort. 

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