Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Years eve

For the past three years, since we have been living in this house, we have gone across the street to our friends house for New Years eve.  It is pretty handy to be so close to home and kiddos come and play too.  This year they planned a murder mystery for us to play.  It was super fun!  I haven't participated in one since high school when a girlfriend had one for her birthday party.  It was a fun evening with friends and some social interaction since we had been hanging around the house most of the week.  They had some fun stick on mustaches so the boys put some on for a picture.  We all had a great night, thanks for having us Carringtons!!

New Years day we slept in since we all made it to midnight and then had a quite day at home.

Aubrey enjoying some Christmas candy, unfortunately he wasn't as delicious

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