Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 3

Well it would seem that we have been in our new house for three weeks already!  The beginning adjustment was a little more difficult that I expected and I was pretty stressed at some points but that has subsided and we are enjoying our new home.  All of our pictures have been hung on the walls and it is really looking like home.
Yesterday we hosted our monthly coffee time with the Rozendaal side.  It was fun to be able to have several of my aunts and uncles come over to see the new house and enjoy coffee time together.  Our old house was much to small to host at so this was our first time and it was lots of fun.  And a bonus - Aubrey got to have her nap as usual and we weren't late to the party! :-)
The only boxes we have left are my Willow Tree collection because the curio I had them in has a piece of broken glass that we are looking into getting replaced.
The boys and I even went through the playroom Saturday night and I was able to get them to part with some toys for our upcoming garage sale.
It is amazing how many toys they can accumulate!  I need to be better about remembering this when we are shopping and I am tempted to buy them something.
This week is Tulip Time in Pella.  Unfortunately due to the warm winter there aren't many tulips around but I have been told we will have tulips for Tulip Time.  Hayden is looking forward to marching with the school kids on Thursday and Saturday afternoon in the parades and Nile and Aubrey will be decked out in their Dutch costumes as well.  Wednesday night we will walk in the Klompen Classic 5K.  Hayden said he wants to walk it to so we will see how that goes.  Last year it was too cold so we didn't take Aubrey with us in the stroller.  Instead my parents got to walk around downtown with the kiddos and find some yummy Dutch treats.  We are praying for warm weather and no rain for Thursday, Friday and Saturday!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Aubrey's 2 year pictures

Last night we took the kids out to Digital Galleria for Aubrey's 2 year pictures and a few shots of all three kids. Well the way Aubrey has been acting things didn't go well at all!  Luckily Michelle a DG was patient and awesome and still able to get some great shots.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Parrot-head Party

 Full house for the concert
 Jeremy & I
 Jimmy Buffett
Cheeseburger in Paradise

Happy 2nd Birthday Aubrey!

Last Saturday our baby girl turned 2 years old.  I think it is safe to say that the terrible twos are here.  We had a Minnie Mouse party at the new house.  Grandparents, Great-Grandmas, and Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins came to celebrate and see the new house.
Hard to believe she is two already but it is so much fun seeing her grow and interact with her big brothers.  Maybe now she will start talking a little more!
She loved her cake and even blew out the candles and the weather held out for us to be able to grill for dinner.
 sitting in my new chair opening some more presents
 This is a big one!
 Ready for the cake
 Ready to blow out the candles
 She blew out all the candles by herself!
 Wonder cake made by my SIL
Mommy and the birthday girl!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen

Happy Easter 2012.  We started today with a great Sunday School event for the kids and then a wonderful church service.  Then we headed down to Bussey for lunch with the Rozenboom side and an Easter egg hunt for the great grand kids.  Today is a very special day to celebrate because without Easter, Christmas and any other day would not mean anything.  Praise God, Jesus rose again and conquered death to give us everlasting life with him in heaven.
Tomorrow we are closing on our new house so we are super excited about that as well.  The cleaning and painting are all done so tomorrow will be a lot of furniture moving, putting beds back together, and unpacking lots of boxes.  We are all very excited to see how the house will look with all our things in it.  Each time we go over it is feeling more and more like home to us.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New house update

We have been working at the new house a lot this week.  Lots of cleaning and working to clear out all the items left behind.  Tomorrow afternoon the carpet will be cleaned and then we will be ready to start moving more things in!!  I am really excited to see what the carpet looks like without all the stains too!  Yesterday and today we have been working on some painting and I am excited to see the end results of this.  I will try and take some pictures this evening and post them. 
It will be another big adjustment for our family to be back out on our own again.  I am not looking forward to some of this but I know it is best.  It has been really nice to have my parents around to help run the boys to school or watch the kids while I run a few errands.  I am very excited to celebrate Aubrey's 2nd birthday on the 14th at the new house and to be able to unpack all our belongings and decorate the new house!