Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen

Happy Easter 2012.  We started today with a great Sunday School event for the kids and then a wonderful church service.  Then we headed down to Bussey for lunch with the Rozenboom side and an Easter egg hunt for the great grand kids.  Today is a very special day to celebrate because without Easter, Christmas and any other day would not mean anything.  Praise God, Jesus rose again and conquered death to give us everlasting life with him in heaven.
Tomorrow we are closing on our new house so we are super excited about that as well.  The cleaning and painting are all done so tomorrow will be a lot of furniture moving, putting beds back together, and unpacking lots of boxes.  We are all very excited to see how the house will look with all our things in it.  Each time we go over it is feeling more and more like home to us.

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