Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Aubrey!

Last Saturday our baby girl turned 2 years old.  I think it is safe to say that the terrible twos are here.  We had a Minnie Mouse party at the new house.  Grandparents, Great-Grandmas, and Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins came to celebrate and see the new house.
Hard to believe she is two already but it is so much fun seeing her grow and interact with her big brothers.  Maybe now she will start talking a little more!
She loved her cake and even blew out the candles and the weather held out for us to be able to grill for dinner.
 sitting in my new chair opening some more presents
 This is a big one!
 Ready for the cake
 Ready to blow out the candles
 She blew out all the candles by herself!
 Wonder cake made by my SIL
Mommy and the birthday girl!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Aubrey’s birthday was quite enjoyable. The pictures are very nice and birthday girl looks very happy in the pics. We too celebrated our son’s birthday yesterday with an amazing party at one of the popular venues in Chicago. It was a lovely event where we had a lot of fun, and my boy also said that he had a great time.
